Heights Wool RugHeights Rug

Heights Rug

From $168.00

Everett Rug LifestyleEverett Rug

Everett Rug

From $568.00

Malone Everglade Wool Rug LifestyleMalone Rug

Malone Rug

From $398.00

Lewis Natural Rug LifestyleLewis Rug

Lewis Rug

From $78.00

Gates RugGates Rug

Gates Rug

From $724.00

Indulge in the artistry of handcrafted rugs at MarieFlanigan.com! Our exquisite collection showcases a variety of techniques, including Hand Tufted, Hand Knotted, and Handwoven, each boasting its own unique charm and character. From intricate patterns to rich textures, our handcrafted rugs add a touch of artisanal elegance to any space. Meticulously crafted by skilled artisans using premium materials, these rugs are not just floor coverings but works of art that elevate your home décor. Explore our handcrafted rug collection today and experience the timeless beauty of artisanal craftsmanship!

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