Heights Rug

Create the illusion of layers with this gorgeous chunky, flatwoven wool rug. Concentric rectangles of offset ladder stripes make a bold graphic statement. Hand-loomed by artisans from undyed natural fleece wool in marled shades of charcoal and ivory.
Color: Heights Charcoal

Heights Rug: 0.25" Rug Thickness

76% Wool/14% Cotton/8% Polyester/2% Other

How to care for the Heights Rug: Vacuum regularly. When vacuuming, set vacuum so that the brush is the furthest away from the surface of the carpet. For spot cleaning, immediately blot (do not rub) spills with white paper towels or a clean white absorbent cloth. Scoop up solids. If a cleaner must be used, test a small area before applying to the entire stain. Blot up the spill with a blotting motion and then rinse with clear water on a clean cloth. do not over saturate with water. We recommend annual professional cleaning.

The Heights Rug is expected to ship within 5 business days. Shipping will be calculated at checkout.

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