Striae Rug

Wide swaths of broken lines in bi-chromatic neutrals create rhythmic partitions across this sophisticated wool rug. A velvety sheared wool pile contrasts and enhances the finely observed sheen of the brindled bars in a softly toned mineral palette. Inspired by striated grooves in rock formations caused by the movement of glaciers, or newly erupting lava, pushing through cooling rock. A modern sensibility is expressed through traditional craftsmanship.
Color: Striae Grey

Striae Rug: 0.75" Rug Thickness

76% Wool/24% Rayon with 100% Cotton backing

How to care for the Striae Rug: regular vacuuming and the occasional gentle shake should keep your rug in shipshape condition. Some shedding may occur with all hand-knotted rugs. Use a low setting when vacuuming to minimize shedding. If shedding still occurs, professional cleaning is recommended to help remove loose fibers. Due to the handmade quality of our rugs, they may vary slightly in size and/or color.

The Striae Rug is expected to ship within 5 business days. Shipping will be calculated at checkout.

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