Samson Indoor/Outdoor Rug

This delicately striped indoor/outdoor rug was inspired by an antique rug sample. This fade-resistant rug is made from eco-friendly polyester fiber from recycled plastic bottles. It's woven to be lightweight, low-profile, and reversible. Washable, scrubbable, and very low-maintenance, this rug is just right for high-traffic areas, porches, and patios.
Color: Samson Grey

Samson Indoor/Outdoor Rug: 0.25 Rug Thickness

100% P.E.T.

Caring for the Samson Indoor/Outdoor Rug - Regular vacuuming and the occasional gentle shake should keep your rug in shipshape condition. For P.E.T. washable rugs, spot clean with soapy water and rinse, or spray with a hose. Do not bleach. Do not machine wash or dry.

The Samson Indoor/Outdoor Rug is expected to ship within 5 business days. Shipping will be calculated at checkout.

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