Malone Rug

Luxuriously plush, this wool rug's subtle beauty suggests eroded coastal cliffs, whose substrate layers chronicle the passage of time. The pattern is additionally emphasized by higher sheared tufts that contrast in color, sheen, and texture with dense and low looped stripes. A natural undyed fleece pile enhances the finely observed irregular striations. With modern and traditional elements, this sophisticated hand-knotted wool rug demonstrates unique textures found in nature. Offered in a sophisticated palette of chalky tones and mineral-rich neutrals.
Color: Malone Oatmeal

Malone Rug: 0.75" Rug Thickness

100% Wool with 100% cotton backing.

How to care for the Malone Rug: regular vacuuming and the occasional gentle shake should keep your rug in shipshape condition. For wool rugs, we recommend professional cleaning only.

The Malone Rug is expected to ship within 5 business days. Shipping will be calculated at checkout.

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