Kirby Rug

Connect to the earth with the relaxed aesthetic of a foundational rug, embodying a legacy of quality craftsmanship and elegant modernity. Soothing shades of calm, inspired by nature's harmony, form a bold rhythmic geometric composition. Durably woven with sustainable jute in a deeply textured, playful variegated patchwork. Timeless and contemporary, free-spirited and modern, this hard-working beauty is offered in a sophisticated palette of mineral-rich neutrals.
Color: Kirby Natural

Kirby Rug: 0.25" Rug Thickness

100% Jute

How to care for the Kirby Rug: regular vacuuming and the occasional gentle shake should keep your rug in shipshape condition. For jute rugs, we recommend professional cleaning only.

The Kirby Rug is expected to ship within 5 business days. Shipping will be calculated at checkout.

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